Life is Music= Emigrate to Europe.

There is no experience from which you can't learn something

Sam Fender - Seventeen Going Under


Sam Fender - Seventeen Going Under を和訳していきます



Sam Fender - Seventeen Going Under 

I remember the sickness was forever
I remember snuff videos
※エンタメとして流通させる目的で、実際に殺人の様子を撮影した映像作品のこと。 スナッフムービー、殺人フィルムともいう。
Cold Septembers, the distances we covered
(冷たい9月 俺たちが踏破した距離)
The fist fights on the beach
The Bizzies round us up
Do it all again next week
An embryonic love
The first time that it scarred
Embarrass yourself for someone
Cryin' like a child
And the boy who kicked Tom's head in
Still bugs me now
That's the thing, it lingers
And claws you when you're down
(落ち込んだ時 搔きむしってくるのさ)

I was far too scared to hit him
But I would hit him in a heartbeat now
That's the thing with anger, it begs to stick around
(怒りとはそういうもの つきまとうよう懇願してくるから)
So it can fleece you of your beauty
And leave you spent with nowt to offer
Makes you hurt the ones who love you

You hurt them like they're nothin'
You hurt them like they're nothin'
You hurt them like they're nothin'

See, I spent my teens enraged, spirallin' in silence
(見ての通り 10代は怒りに時間を費やした 沈黙の中のスパイラル)
And I armed myself with a grin
'Cause I was always the fuckin' joker
Buried in their humour amongst the white noise and boys' boys
Locker room talkin' lads' lads
Drenched in cheap drink and snide fags
A mirrored picture of my old man
Oh God, the kid's a dab hand
(あぁ その子供は名人さ)
Canny chanter, but he looks sad
(利口な先唱者だよ でも彼はとても悲しそう)

God, the kid looks so sad

She said the debt, the debt, the debt
So I thought about shifting gear
And how she wept and wept and wept
Well, luck came and died 'round here
(幸運はやって来て 近くで息絶えた)
I see my mother, the DWP see a number
(俺には母が見える DWPには数として見える)
She cries on the floor encumbered

I'm seventeen goin' under
I'm seventeen goin' under
I'm seventeen goin' under
I'm seventeen goin' under
I'm seventeen goin' under


Seventeen Going Under

Seventeen Going Under

  • サム・フェンダー
  • シンガーソングライター
  • ¥255
  • provided courtesy of iTunes


